The Mission
- Resources for church plants

The Mission
- Supply Bibles

Israel Lives Ministries

DEP Primary School
Kilgoris, Kenya
- We feed 1,200 students every month

The Mission
- Male recovery homes
- Women & Children's home

Serving Africa & Asia

The Mission
- Serving persecuted believers in over 60 countries

The Mission
- Jumpstart the "Dream Life Plan"

James Robson Ministries
- Drill wells for water

The Mission
- Missions Endeavor
- Build a Church
- Buy Shoes for Children
- Supply Livestock
- Supply Sewing Machines to develop industry for the indigent people of Africa
Let's Build the Kingdom Together.
If you feel called to financially support the mission, fill out the form below.

"Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons.
Freely you have received, freely give." - Matthew 10:8
Freely you have received, freely give." - Matthew 10:8
Ray & Colleen Colella
missionaries to new providence islandnassau, bahamas
Once we decided to say "yes!", the Lord changed our lives forever. We have had the privilege to serve in different nations, including the Bahamas back in 2004; we had heard of an aids camp there and we both felt the call to go. That very first trip impressed on our hearts so clearly, we knew we would eventually move down full time. After many years of travel back and forth and raising 3 beautiful children, we are now ready to GO!
We are so excited to live among the poor and the sick on New Providence Island. Because of their illness, they are outcast from society, abandoned by family, and left to fend for themselves; they only have each other... and now us. We will be providing the residence of All Saints Camp with 3 healthy meals every day; as well as helping them with all personal hygiene matters. Our ministry with patients is hands on care from day to day. We will also facilitate ministry groups to serve on the island. Separate men's and ladies bible studies will be twice a week; our goal is to help them realize that they were not created by accident; that they have a purpose in this world, through Christ.